
This collection of Blogs will be an ongoing process. I will begin with examples of my math and education work from my second college experience--preparing to be a teacher. I plan on continuing adding to this blog throughout my teaching career, by adding reflections on classroom management, lesson plans, articles from scholarly journals, just my thoughts, and anything else I find pertinent to teaching.

I truly hope this is the beginning of an incredible journey through the mind of a beginning math teacher (even if this teacher is already 33 years old!) I hope I enjoy going back and reading my entries, listening to my Podcasts, watching my slideshows, etc. I hope my students enjoy visiting my blog as well.

This should also serve as an ongoing effort for me to constantly improve my knowledge and implementation of technology in the classroom. Let the journey begin!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Proof from Math 307 that the square root of 3 is irrational

1 comment:

  1. There was one symbol in this proof that did not survive the file conversion. The box following with p and q being elements of should be a large Z, indicating that p and q belong to the set of Integers. There is another box, which should also be the same large Z, indicating there exists and integer n such that p = 3n.
