
This collection of Blogs will be an ongoing process. I will begin with examples of my math and education work from my second college experience--preparing to be a teacher. I plan on continuing adding to this blog throughout my teaching career, by adding reflections on classroom management, lesson plans, articles from scholarly journals, just my thoughts, and anything else I find pertinent to teaching.

I truly hope this is the beginning of an incredible journey through the mind of a beginning math teacher (even if this teacher is already 33 years old!) I hope I enjoy going back and reading my entries, listening to my Podcasts, watching my slideshows, etc. I hope my students enjoy visiting my blog as well.

This should also serve as an ongoing effort for me to constantly improve my knowledge and implementation of technology in the classroom. Let the journey begin!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Beginning Proof of containment of sets.

Written in Words Version:

We will show [(the set A union B) take away (the set A intersect B)] equals [(the set A take away B) union (the set B take away A)].  You can see this represented visually in the imbedded image.
First we will show [(the set A union B) take away (the set A intersect B)] is a subset of [(the set A take away B) union (the set B take away A)].  If x is an element of [(the set A union B) take away (the set A intersect B)], then x is an element of A or B, and X is not an element of A and B.  Therefore x is either an element of A and not B or x is an element of B and not A.  Hence X is an element of equals [(the set A take away B) union (the set B take away A)].  Thus we have shown [(the set A union B) take away (the set A intersect B)] is a subset of [(the set A take away B) union (the set B take away A)].
Second, we will show [(the set A take away B) union (the set B take away A)] is a subset of [(the set A union B) take away (the set A intersect B)].  If x is an element of [(the set A take away B) union (the set B take away A)], then x is an element of A and not B or X is an element of B and not A.  Thus x is an element of A or B, but X is not an element of A and B.  Then x is an element of [(the set A union B) take away (the set A intersect B)].  Thus we have shown show [(the set A take away B) union (the set B take away A)] is a subset of [(the set A union B) take away (the set A intersect B)].
Since we have shown containment in both directions (which means each set is a subset of the other), we have proven equality:  [(the set A union B) take away (the set A intersect B)] equals [(the set A take away B) union (the set B take away A)].   
(The little black box means the same as Q.E.D., which is Latin for Quod Erat Demonstrandum, or “which was to be demonstrated”).

And lastly, here is the visual version:

The visual representation succinctly shows how simple this proof really is.  I believe I could show the visual logic to high school students very quickly, then focus on the wordy proof (the one in the middle), and finally work on the succinct proof using mathematical symbols (the first one above).  Man, I love Math and Proofs!

M 307 Proof of the Well Ordering Principle of the Natural Numbers

Below is my proof of the Well Ordering Principle.  It is done via Induction and Contradiction.  Again, the box did not survive the file conversion.  Every time you see a box, there should be a large N, indicating the set of Natural Numbers (or positive Integers--counting numbers beginning with 1).

I really like this proof.  I find it relatively easy to understand, and one that I feel I could explain to high school students fairly simply.  It pretty much says every subset of the counting numbers must have a minimum, or smallest element.  The proof proceeds by contradiction by assuming there exists a subset of the Natural numbers which does not contain a minimum.  This subset must have a lower bound, or number outside of the set that is smaller than every number in the set.  The proof then proceeds by induction.  Is every number in the subset larger than 1?  Yes, since the subset does not contain a minimum and is a subset of the Natural numbers, every element in the subset must be larger than the lower bound 1.  Then we assume that our inductive step holds, and Q(2), Q(3), ..., Q(n) holds, which means that the numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., n are all lower bounds of our subset.  We must then show that Q(n+1) holds.  But this means that every natural number is a lower bound of our subset.  This is a contradiction, because our set is a subset of the natural numbers, and thus must contain natural numbers.  I think this makes fairly simple sense.  The big problem in understanding I see in high school students would be accepting the inductive step.  I still have some trouble with this--assuming that the assertion holds in order to prove the assertion seems logically incorrect.

Proof from Math 307 that the square root of 3 is irrational

One of my Reviews of a News Brief for Curriculum 501 class.

Short Paper on Charter Schools for C&I 501: Curriculum

I did quite a bit of research on Charter Schools during my second college stint for my C&I (Curriculum and Instruction) classes.  I wrote a relatively short paper I wrote for my Curriculum Grad class.  Here is this file from one of my sites:

Skeeters are Overrunning the World!

Here is the most in-depth lesson plan I made in college. I am very proud of it, even though it is not my own original lesson plan: